
Lavo­razioni Mec­ca­niche has been oper­at­ing in the pre­ci­sion mechan­ics sec­tor for over thirty years and is com­prised of a highly qual­i­fied cor­po­rate work­force and a state-​of-​the-​art pro­duc­tion department.

The level of spe­cial­iza­tion of our com­pany and our exper­tise in pre­ci­sion mechan­ics, which cov­ers var­i­ous sec­tors, such as energy, auto­mo­bile, aero­nau­tics, and pre­ci­sion mechan­ics, allows us to offer a com­plete ser­vice for the pro­duc­tion of pro­to­types in small and medium series.

The com­pany pro­duces mechan­i­cal parts of var­i­ous sizes, upon spec­i­fi­ca­tions by the client, obtained from bars, fusion, and moulds of var­i­ous mate­ri­als and is also able to sup­ply a prod­uct com­plete with ther­mal and sur­face treat­ments of assem­bled units and per­form any rel­e­vant test­ing, thanks to the use of a Wen­zel mea­sur­ing machine. Lavo­razioni Mec­ca­niche dis­tin­guishes itself due to its capac­ity to adapt to the request of clients with extreme flex­i­bil­ity. Sen­si­bil­ity towards the evo­lu­tion of pro­duc­tion tech­nolo­gies has lead the com­pany to equip itself with the most advanced CAM solu­tion hyper­MILL®, allow­ing to con­sid­er­ably increase the qual­ity of the fin­ished prod­uct and cover the most par­tic­u­lar needs of the market.

Lavo­razioni Mec­ca­niche has, fur­ther­more, received an ISO 9001:2000 qual­ity cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, so as to reaf­firm the qual­ity guar­an­tee of its processes and the value of its production.

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