Auto­mo­tive indus­try

Sub­con­tract­ing bol­sters, matrixes, punches and inserts.

The con­tin­u­ous evo­lu­tion of the auto­mo­bile sec­tor has found in Lavo­razioni Mec­ca­niche and ideal and reli­able part­ner with regard to machin­ing of mold car­rier plates, dies, punches, and dow­els for third par­ties. Thanks to thirty years of expe­ri­ence in this sec­tor, Lavo­razioni Mec­ca­niche com­bines exper­tise, flex­i­bil­ity, and inno­va­tion, offer­ing its clien­tele a high qual­ity level in pre­ci­sion mechan­ics machin­ing.
The use of hyper­MILL and hyper­CAD appli­ca­tions used for man­ag­ing 3D draw­ings and con­se­quent pro­grams, help to main­tain a high qual­ity final prod­uct in terms of pre­ci­sion and finishing.

Upon spe­cific request of the client, the prod­uct sup­ply comes with size pro­to­cols achieved through the use of a Wen­zel mea­sur­ing machine.

Click here to view some exam­ples of our work.

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